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3rd Witch (Arahi Sionetali-Rattray)) prompts Lady Macbeth (Tia Ormsby)
3rd Witch gets her man – You can’t die. It’s a comedy silly!
Banquio’s death Blood Guy(Henri) action as Fleece (Jordan So) looks on
Banquo (Manaaki Nathan-Ahmann) Dead soldier (Te Rau Katipa)
Banquo (Manaaki) Macbeth (Ocean Michael) & Witches(Alexus, Rawinia, Arahi)
Banquo & Fleece prepare to ride
Banquo dismounts in the forrest
Banquo gets down at the party!
Birnham wood chopped down!
Blood Guy does his stuff (Henri Woodley)
Castle delivery successful Beckett & Jordan
Cleaner delivers anaesthetic
Cleaning up the body (Hana Patuwai & Te Rau Katipa)
Coconutter (Beckett Macdonald) King Duncan (Koby Mc Murtry) Malcolm (Charlotte Kempster)
Come seeling night – Shakespearean Stunt Double – Forrest Murray
Corporal (Jake) and Sergeant (Louis) They went that way
Corporal hides as Macduff’s men attack
Duncan (Koby)addresses the troops (Fred Hickey, Lucien Battle McQueen foreground)
Exit Lady Macbeth stage right
First murderer with bazooka
Fleece (Jordan So) escapes again
Fleece (Jordan So) watches soldiers storm the castle
Get into Duncan’s chamber and kill the guards
I was meant to do that – Macduff to Malcolm
I’ll use yours, it’s longer! Corporal Sergeant
I’ve seen the king looking better-Porter (Fred Hickey) Dead Duncan (Koby McMurtry)
Ist Witch (Rawinia Kanuta-Walker)3rd Witch (Arahi Sionetali-Rattray) 2nd Witch (Alexus Kairau)
It was unbelievable! -Sergeant (Louis Buxton)and Corporal (Jake Scott
Just a flesh wound – Sergeant (Louis Buxton) Corporal (Jake Scott) Blood Guy (Henri Woodley)
King Malcolm (Charlotte Kempster) I’ll have to design a whole new out fit
Lady Macbeth summons the dark forces
Lady Macduff (Joline Gilesvery angry
Lady Macduff armed and dangerous (Joline Giles)
Lady Macduff captures Murderers
Mabeth exits the king’s chamber post murder.
Macbeth (Ocean Michael) & Corporal (Jake Scott) – a promotion sire
Macbeth (Ocean) Banquo (Manaaki) & Coconut guys (Te Rau Katipa, Jordan So)
Macbeth & the Murderers (Lucien battle McQueen, Otis Bech)
Macbeth vs Macduff Cleaner (Hana Patuwai) with sword sfx
Macbeth(Ocean Michael) Banquo (Manaaki Nathan-Ahmann)
Macduff (Aria Thompson) & Ross (Jaya Lever) meet the witches
Macduff (Aria Thompson) attacks Stuns Double (Forrest Murray)
Macduff (Aria Thompson) helps Macbeth (Ocean Michael) with 3rd Witch (Arahi) problem
Macduff (Aria Thompson) rervealed Caesarian section
Malcolm (Charlotte Kempster) confesses to Ross (Jaya Lever)
Malcolm (Charlotte Kempster) wakes up to his father’s death.
Malcolm (Charlotte Kempster), with his dresser, tests Macduff (Aria Thompson)
Malcolm accidentally stabs Macbeth
Malcolm, a very happy heir (Charlotte Kempster)
Murderers (Otis & Lucien) arrive at castle Macduff
Party at Macca’s continues
Party at Macca’s winds down.
Porter (Fred Hickey) We brought the whole of Birnham Wood to Dunsinane
Pull yourself together, Malcolm!
Ross in pursuit (Jaya Lever)
Ross, Porter & Mcduff (Jaya, Fred, Aria) The king is dead!
Second Murderer (Otis Bech) pursues Lady Macduff (Joline Giles)
Second Murderer (Otis Bech) pursues Lady Macduff
Shakespearean Stunt Double (Forrest Murray)
Shakespearean Stunt Double pleads innocence
Sheep on the run (Mackenzie Fleet)
Soldier (Lucien Battle McQueen) Duncan(Koby McMurtry) Corporal & Sergeant
Soldiers storm the castle Fleece watches
Stage hands (Henri Woodley & Beckett MacDonald) bring on Caesar statue
Stunt Double (Forrest Murray) woos Lady Macbeth (Tia Ormsby)
Surgery- Corporal (Jake Scott) Cleaner (Hana Patuwai) Sergeant (Louis Buxton)
The Cleaner (Hana Patuwai)hears the dogs of war
The Macbeths get amorous (Ocean Michael & Tia Ormsby)
The Macbeths get overly amorous (Censor – Henri Woodley)
There was no sheep – Murderers report Fleece’s escape
They met me in the day of success – Lady Macbeth(Tia Ormsby)
Where’s the sheep – Murderers interrogate Fleece
Witches and Macduff save Macbeth from their sister
Witches present Banquo’s ghost to Macbeth
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