Name | Prize |
Isabelle Atherfold | Outstanding Application in Art History |
Layla Bartram | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Performing Arts Technology |
Ted Batters | Outstanding Application in Economics and in English |
Cosmo Becroft-McGrath | Outstanding Application in Textiles Technology |
Jemma Brown | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Food Technology |
Jacob Floyd | Outstanding Academic Achievement in History, Outstanding Application in General Mathematics and in Geography |
Johanna Geary | Outstanding Application in Media Studies |
Pania Gray | Outstanding Academic Achievement in History, Outstanding Application in Biology and in Geography |
Connor Green | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Biology and in Philosophy |
Noah Grimer | Outstanding Application in Art Design |
Kiran Karaka | Outstanding Application in Biology, Chemistry, Health Education and in Statistics |
Evan Li | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physics, Outstanding Application in English Language Advanced |
Poppy Lim | Outstanding Academic Achievement in English, Outstanding Application in General Mathematics |
Avery Longhurst | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Business Studies, Outstanding Application in Music |
Sophia Mangelsdorf | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Design & Visual Communications and in Painting |
Alivia McMurtry | Outstanding Application in French |
Mia Mudgway | Outstanding Application in Painting |
Harvey Pentecost | Outstanding Application in Performing Arts Technology |
Sangeethaa Rajakulendran | Outstanding Application in Supported Learning |
Holly Shaw-Smith | Outstanding Application in Gateway |
Nina Somerville | Outstanding Application in Drama |
Shaan Vaidya | Outstanding Application in Health Education and in Sports Academy |
Tess Whineray | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physics, Outstanding Application in Chemistry |
Justin Xie | Outstanding Application in Gateway |
Audrey Zohrab | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Biology and in Chemistry, Outstanding Application in History |
Sean Brooks-Adams | Outstanding Academic Achievement in General Mathematics |
Sophia Collins | Outstanding Academic Achievement in English, Painting, Philosophy and in Statistics |
George Davidson-Sims | Outstanding Application in Media Studies |
Mattheus Elwood | Outstanding Application in Calculus and in Photography |
Sonny Frizzell | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Media Studies |
Hannah Grant | Outstanding Application in History |
Isabelle Isaako | Outstanding Application in Physical Education |
Samuel McCullough | Outstanding Academic Achievement in General Science |
Evie MacMahon | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Environmental Sustainability and in Textiles Technology,Outstanding Application in English |
Haamid Patel | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Design Technology |
Shay Patel | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Textiles Technology |
Jessie Tumulty | Outstanding Academic Achievement in French |
Amone Vaiaku | Outstanding Application in Gateway |
Hannah Chung | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Art Design and in History |
Zachary Green | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Design Technology |
Manu Grimme | Outstanding Application in Environmental Sustainability, Painting and in Philosophy |
Katie Guenzel-Reilly | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Dance |
Andy Heathcote | Outstanding Academic Achievement in History, Outstanding Application in Philosophy |
Louis Hickey | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Media Studies, Outstanding Application in Design & Visual Communications |
Benjamin Hollard | Outstanding Application in Physics |
Griffin Jones | Outstanding Application in Physical Education |
Sheyda Moradi Pirkaman | Outstanding Application in Food Technology |
Petra Oh | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Art History, Classical Studies, Economics and in Geography, Outstanding Application in History |
Thanin Sagulrattanagosol | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Calculus |
Harrison Searle | Outstanding Application in Design Technology |
James Stock | Outstanding Application in Biology and in Design Technology |
Harry Thompson | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Digital Technology |
Minh Anh Tran | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Biology, Outstanding Application in History |
Amy White | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Geography |
Zara Wong | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Chemistry and in English, Outstanding Application in Classical Studies, Dance and Physics |
Leo Young | Outstanding Application in General Mathematics |
Keller Young | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physical Education |
Kane Chauhan | Outstanding Application in Pangarau and in Te Reo Rangatira |
Te Arahi Nikora | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Pangarau and in Te Reo Rangatira, Outstanding Application in Te Reo Pakeha |
Kimiora Rhind-Wilson | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Hakinakina, Outstanding Application in Te Reo Pakeha |
Te Tama Sharples Williams | Outstanding Application in Hakinakina |
Aleksander Black | Outstanding Application in General Science |
Emily Carter | Outstanding Application in Calculus and in Physics |
Paloma Hermans | Outstanding Academic Achievement in General Mathematics, Outstanding Application in Textiles Technology |
Zebediah Hunt | Outstanding Application in Gateway |
Andy Lee | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physics |
Gemma Mackie | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physical Education |
Isaiah McDade-Larkins | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Gateway |
Bella Raynes | Outstanding Academic Achievement in General Mathematics and in Sports Academy |
Kalia Reid-Delacroix | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Health Education |
Sofia Roger Williams | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Te Reo Māori, Outstanding Application in Te Reo Maori |
Joe Valentine | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Drama |
Harriet Walker | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Geography |
Xavier Walsh | Outstanding Academic Achievement in Photography |
Yr13 Specials Reading List 2022
- Outstanding Service as a Board of Trustees Student Board Representative goes to Kimiora Rind-Wilson
- The Tai-Talamaivao Pasifika Academic Excellence Award goes to Jemma Brown
- The WSC/Nga Puna O Waiōrea Award for Outstanding Contribution in Te Reo Rangatira goes to Geovanni Kimitaunga
- The WSC/Nga Puna O Waiōrea Award for Outstanding contribution in Te Reo Māori goes to Isabella Hoyle
- The Ach Lee Fong Memorial Award for Outstanding Contribution to Kapa Haka is a joint award this year and goes to Geovanni Kimitaunga and Acacia Paoo
- The Ngā Oho Award for Contribution to Ngā Puna O Waiōrea is a joint award this year and goes to Isabella Hoyle and Acacia Paoo
- The Ken Havill Values trophy for fairness, diversity, creativity & Sustainability goes to Logan Waiwiri-Taumata
- The Grant Mackie Caring Award goes to Alivia McMurtry
- Western Springs College International Kiwi Award goes to Zhecheng Wang
- Outstanding International Student Leader goes to Audrey Zohrab
- The Top International Art Student for Outstanding Production in Art Painting & Art Photography goes to Xiangrui Chen
- The McGlashan Family Award for Excellence in Drama goes to Cutter Clark
- The Burton Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Performing Arts goes to Katie Guenzel-Reilly
- The Tuisamoa Cup for Outstanding Artistic Achievement in the Visual Arts goes to Shay Patel
- The ARA Lodge Award – cash award towards a tertiary Art course and goes to a Visual Arts scholar, goes to Hannah Chung
- The Nicola Green Memorial Award for excellence in all academic endeavours (English/Art/History/Media) goes to Petra Oh
- The Kennaway Technology Award to assist with tertiary study in Technology goes to Ari Cornwell
- The WSC Sportswoman of the Year goes to Tess Whineray
- The WSC Sportsman of the Year is a joint award this year and goes to Shaan Vaidya and Keller Young
- The Mission Statement Award for all round Excellence and exemplifies the Mission Statement goes to Minh Anh Tran
- The Tim Stubbs Cup for Achievement in Senior Economics goes to Petra Oh
- The WSC Cup for Outstanding Achievement in Senior English goes to Sophia Collins
- The WSC Cup for Outstanding Achievement in Senior History goes to Ted Batters
- The WSC Cup for Outstanding Achievement in Senior Mathematics goes to Minh Anh Tran
- The Jane Hall Cup for all round Excellence in Senior Media Studies goes to Mattheus Elwood
- The Liggins Institute Award for Excellence in Life Sciences goes to Minh Anh Tran
- The TAPAC Trophy for Outstanding Achievement in Performing Arts Technology goes to Layla Bartram
- The Woods Shield for Endeavour in Senior Philosophy goes to Andy Heathcote
- The Technology Award for Outstanding Achievement in Design Technology goes to Zachary Green
- The Technology Award for Outstanding Achievement in Food Technology goes to Jemma Brown
- The Technology Award for Outstanding Achievement in Textiles Technology goes to Kalia Reid-Delacroix
- The Massey-Dunn Cup for all round Excellence in Senior Physical Education goes to Gemma Mackie
- The WSC Award for Outstanding Achievement in Te Reo Māori goes to Sofia Roger Williams
- The WSC Award for Outstanding Achievement in Te Reo Rangatira goes to Kane Chauhan
- The WSC Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance goes to Minh Anh Tran
- The Māori English Medium Excellence Award goes to Pania Gray
- The Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award to celebrate the Achievements of Vocational Students goes to James Stock
- The O’Keefe Scholarship for overall Merit & runner up to Dux goes to Audrey Zohrab
- The Hicks prize for Dux goes to Petra Oh
Scholarships 2022: (for 2023)
- Hannah Chung – Find Your Greatness for Academic Excellence
- Petra Oh – Top Achiever
- Sofia Roger Williams – Faculty of Arts Entry Level Undergrad scholarship
- Zach Penn – Taitea Undergraduate award in creative learning
- Mattheus Elwood – Top Achieved
Victoria Uni Wellington
- Ines Maxwell-Stewart – Tangiwai Scholarship
- Nina Somerville – Tangiwai Scholarship
- Sophia Mangelsdorf – Tangiwai Scholarship
- Lila Dunn – Tangiwai Scholarship
- Claudia Butler – Tangiwai Scholarship
- Alivia McMurtry University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship
- Amy White University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship
- Anastasiia Viazenko University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship
- Andy Heathcote University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship
- Archie Reed University of Otago Māori Entrance Scholarship
- Audrey Zohrab University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Dakota Crawford University of Otago Pacific Peoples’ Entrance Scholarship
- Ellie Armstrong University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Gala Moricz University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Harriet Walker University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship
- Ines Maxwell-Stewart University of Otago Performance Entrance Scholarship
- Jack Wisheart University of Otago Donna-Rose McKay Entrance Scholarship
- Jacob Floyd University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Jessie Tumulty University of Otago Performance Entrance Scholarship
- Lila Dunn University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship
- Maia Cunningham University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Nina Stichbury University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship
- Oliver Cameron University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Pania Gray University of Otago Māori Entrance Scholarship
- Rio Smith University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship
- Zac Green University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Entrance Scholarship
- Kayla Shen University of Otago Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students, worth $10,000.00
The Easte Scholarship (new 2021) ($800.00)
- Avery Longhurst – awarded to a student who has displayed a worthy mix of academic ability, aptitude, and application (not necessarily the highest achieving scholar).
- Liam Ryan – New Student Unitec Scholarship worth $1500.00