
AUT Shadow A Leader Day 2021 WSCW nominated Year 13 students
The aim of Shadow a Leader is to give Auckland secondary school students and AUT Faculty of Business, Economics and Law students the opportunity to follow a business leader and to understand what it takes to succeed in the leader’s field of endeavour. Scott Williams said, “ I found it extremely informative and cool getting to follow a leader to all their meetings and talk to them about what their job entails. AT was an awesome business to stay at for the day as I learned about future plans for Auckland’s transport and how drastically different it could be within the next 10 years. The Shadow A Leader Day experience will be something I’ll never forget and I’m grateful I could have been a part of it”.
WSCW nominated Year 13 students
Ruby Wilson (Left) observed Lawyers at Vector Newmarket, Riley Fong (Centre) spent a fun day at Foodstuffs in Mangere and Scott Williams (Right) was at AT Transport in the Viaduct.
Careers Department South Auckland Speed Meet 2021 – Got A Trade
SpeedMeet 2021 was organised to match employers with potential school leavers to potential employers in the Got a Trade group Students rotate from employer to employer for six-minute mini-interviews to ensure they gain awareness of all the various career opportunities and they get to practice their interview skills.
After each six-minute mini-interview music plays and students and employers note YES, NO or MAYBE to indicate if they want to know more about each other. Students move on to the next employer in line. At the end of the SpeedMeet, outcomes are collated and if there are matches then the employer and student will be emailed each other’s contact details. Because each student will meet with every employer, SpeedMeet is aimed at students who are looking for work but may be unsure about what type they want. “A very useful initiative which we will repeat in the future.”
Year 12 students attending Jackson Rewi, Gulliver Twiss, and Quinn Brown